This article deals heavily and graphically with issues of suicide. Reader discretion is advised.
This is an out-of-character warning. It should not be construed as part of the story.
Item #: SCP-C159
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Any individual expressing alarm at the prevalence or handling of suicide by hanging should be detained and examined for SCP-C159 infection. If they test positive, up-to-date treatment protocols should be followed until the victim is deemed fit for reintegration into society.
Any communications produced by victims of SCP-C159 may be destroyed unless retention is deemed necessary for research. Only personnel with memetic hazard resistance training may interact with victims or these materials.
Description: SCP-C159 is a contagious mental phenomenon marked by strong negative responses to certain common objects. Specifically, gallows, nooses, and dead or dying human bodies will induce fear, disgust, outrage, and/or despair in the subject, even in situations where these objects are appropriate. This effect is especially pronounced when these objects coincide, namely in the case of suicide by hanging. Left untreated, SCP-C159 may result in mental trauma.
Victims of SCP-C159 believe that the location and number of the offending objects represent a dangerous state of exception and will express a desire for radical social changes to accommodate their discomfort. They will commonly believe that uninfected humans are "hypnotized" in some fashion, whereas they themselves are merely unaffected. Many will attempt to spread SCP-C159 with the aim of massively reordering of society to restrict the appearance of offending objects.
SCP-C159 can either appear in otherwise normal humans (~15% of cases) or be spread by an already-affected subject (~85% of cases). Spontaneous infection typically occurs in individuals with a troubled relationship to suicide by hanging and a high Psychic Resistance Index.
Unlike similar memetic phenomena, SCP-C159 requires persuasion to spread. No particular word, phrase, or idea is necessary or sufficient to transmit SCP-C159; instead, the subject must effectively appeal to their target's emotional or logical faculties. Thus, while brief interaction with victims is safe, prolonged conversation carries a risk of infection.
Amnestics and persuasion have both failed to cure SCP-C159; instead, current treatment protocols dictate prolonged isolation and regular counseling to induce a state of doubt and/or hopelessness in victims. This serves to limit their ability and desire to spread SCP-C159, as well as partially repair their capacity for normal activity.
Victims of SCP-C159 will refuse to hang themselves, even in appropriate situations.
Addendum: Excerpts from Testing Log C159-A.
Subject: D-74458, who contracted SCP-C159 after conversation with an affected subject.
Test Protocol: Subject is shown a photograph of a body hanging from gallows.
Result: D-74458 examined the photograph briefly, then pushed it away. Subject expressed disinterest in a second viewing, stating that the picture was unpleasant.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: Subject is shown footage of suicide by hanging.
Result: D-74458 refused to view the video, expressing anger at staff for conducting these tests. When forced to watch, subject reported experiencing nausea.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: Subject is presented with three newly-deceased human corpses. Markings caused by hanging are visible on all three.
Result: D-74458 retreated to the far corner of the room from the bodies, then vomited. Subject described attending staff as "insane" and threatened violence if testing continued.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: Subject is given a noose and portable gallows, then placed in a situation where suicide by hanging is appropriate.
Result: D-74458 did not interact with the provided materials.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: D-23718 commits suicide by hanging while subject observes.
Result: D-74458 panicked when D-23718 began to prepare the related implements. After failing to dissuade D-23718 verbally, subject attempted to physically interfere with the test and had to be restrained by attending guards. Subject continued to struggle and express fearful and violent sentiments for the duration of the test.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: Dr. Holmes commits suicide by hanging while subject observes. Subject is physically restrained.
Result: D-74458 appeared distraught, but made no attempt to interfere with or comment on the test. Subject requested that all dead bodies be removed from the testing area.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: Research Assistant Samson commits suicide by hanging while subject observes. Subject is physically restrained.
Result: D-74458 cried for the duration of the test and did not respond to attempts at communication. Subject requested that all dead bodies be removed from the testing area.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: D-41111 commits suicide by hanging while subject observes. Subject is physically restrained.
Result: Same as previous test.
Subject: D-74458
Test Protocol: Researcher Smith commits suicide by hanging while subject observes. Subject is physically restrained.
Result: Same as previous test.