SCP-C287 in its location of recovery.

Item #: SCP-C287

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Dr. Richter is to be provided with counseling and sleep aids as necessary to minimize the distress caused by SCP-C287's anomalous effects.

Testing on SCP-C287 has been discontinued. SCP-C287 should not be prevented from opening under any circumstances.

Description: SCP-C287 is a wooden door with white paint, constructed in the early 1940's, along with its matching door frame. Thus far, SCP-C287 has only displayed anomalous properties in relation to Dr. Johannes Richter (personnel file attached), a retired Foundation researcher. Following his retirement in 1976, Dr. Richter purchased and moved into a house in rural Argentina. SCP-C287 was the door and frame for the master bedroom at the time.1

Should Dr. Richter fall asleep in the presence of SCP-C287 while it is closed, the door will silently open at some point prior to his waking. It will repeat this process if it is closed again before Dr. Richter awakens. If this event is prevented or obstructed in any way, SCP-C287 will display other anomalous properties to circumvent the obstacle(s). For further details, see attached test log.

Dr. Richter interprets SCP-C287's behavior as hostile and experiences considerable distress as a result. This is consistent with Dr. Richter's psychological profile, specifically his paranoia regarding home invasion and [REDACTED]; SCP-C287 is not believed to have anomalous mind-affecting properties.

Addendum: Test Log C287

Testing Battery A was conducted to determine the results of Dr. Richter sleeping outside the presence of SCP-C287.

Protocol: Dr. Richter slept in the house's guest bedroom.
Results: 1 hour and 40 minutes after Dr. Richter fell asleep, SCP-C287 and the door to the guest bedroom spontaneously exchanged places, with the walls expanding/contracting to accommodate the different frames. The door then swung open.

Protocol: Dr. Richter slept in the house's living room, which has no door.
Results: 1 hour and 13 minutes after Dr. Richter fell asleep, SCP-C287 quietly separated from the wall and sank into the floor. Shortly thereafter, SCP-C287 rose out of the floor next to Dr. Richter. Upon reaching its full height, the door swung open.

Protocol: Dr. Richter slept on an inflatable raft in a neighbor's pool.
Results: 56 minutes after Dr. Richter fell asleep, SCP-C287 disappeared from its prior location and appeared directly above Dr. Richter, suspended horizontally mid-air. The door then swung open downward. Dr. Richter reports that, upon waking, SCP-C287's "interior" briefly appeared to contain [REDACTED]; cameras recording the test were not positioned appropriately to record this.

Testing Battery B was conducted to identify the effects of restricting SCP-C287's range of motion. Each test took place in Dr. Richter's bedroom, with SCP-C287 in its original location.

Protocol: SCP-C287 was held open with a doorstop.
Results: Dr. Richter was unable to fall asleep, stating that he has not been able to fall asleep with the door open for several decades.

Protocol: SCP-C287 was closed and locked.
Results: 40 minutes after Dr. Richter fell asleep, SCP-C287 unlocked itself and swung open.

Protocol: SCP-C287 was closed, fitted with two additional electronic locks, and locked.
Results: 31 minutes after Dr. Richter fell asleep, SCP-C287 unlocked itself and swung open.

Protocol: SCP-C287 was closed, obstructed with several pieces of furniture, and locked.
Results: 22 minutes after Dr. Richter fell asleep, SCP-C287 unlocked itself. The door then began to rattle in its frame while the doorknob twisted back and forth. When the noise woke Dr. Richter up, all activity ceased.

Protocol: SCP-C287 was closed, obstructed with several pieces of furniture, sealed with adhesives to hold it in place, and locked.
Results: 4 minutes after Dr. Richter fell asleep, all pieces of furniture blocking SCP-C287 were violently flung away, causing significant damage to the house and immediately waking Dr. Richter up. SCP-C287 was ripped out of the wall and forced open, breaking the locks and adhesive seal. SCP-C287 then floated directly above Dr. Richter and deposited a large quantity of ash and ████ █████████ directly onto him. This was accompanied by a rush of hot air which contained low levels of hydrogen cyanide. SCP-C287 then returned to its spot in the wall.

Following this event, Dr. Richter and all attending personnel required emergency medical intervention. Due to SCP-C287's sudden escalation in both hostility and anomalous capabilities, testing was discontinued in hopes that it would return to its prior behavior.

Appendix A: Supplementary documentation

Dr. Johannes Richter, cca. 1956.

Full Name: Johannes Wilhelm Richter

DOB: 1905-03-15 (age 71)

Physical Description: 5'6" Caucasian male; gray hair; blue eyes; 130 lbs.

Affiliations: Germany (former citizen), ██████████ (former member), SCP Foundation (former employee), Argentina (citizen)

Qualifications: 52 years of medical experience (specialties: surgery, parasurgery, anatomy, medical research)

Position: Head Researcher, Medical Site-81 (retired)

Clearance: 5/████, 5/████, 5/████, 5/████, 5/████, 5/████, 5/███, 5/████, 5/████, 4/███, 4/████, 4/████, 3/Consult

Pre-Employment History: Johannes Richter was born to Ernst and Wilhelmina Richter in Berlin, Germany. He displayed great aptitude in academic pursuits from an early age and graduated from Greifswald Medical School in 1924, at the age of 19. █​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█​█






In 1946, Dr. Richter and several of his colleagues were hired by the Foundation and assigned to the newly established Medical Site-81 in Buenos Aires.

Foundation work history: [RESTRICTED - LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED]

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