
Item #: SCP-C961

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-C961 can be kept in a low-risk humanoid containment cell with standard amenities. No attempts to communicate with SCP-C961 are to be made outside of testing.

Description: SCP-C961 is a 38-year-old human female in good health. Whenever an individual attempts to communicate with SCP-C961 in any fashion, both subjects will instead engage in a question-and-answer dialogue (detailed in Appendix A). The contents of this dialogue are identical every time, except when interrupted by an external force. Subjects report being conscious during the interaction, but unable to control their actions.

SCP-C961's skull is occupied by a solid white object (designated SCP-C961-1) similar in size, shape, and mass to a human brain. SCP-C961-1 is apparently impervious to physical force, as well as all tested non-invasive scans. While the rest of SCP-C961's nervous system functions normally, SCP-C961-1 displays no electrical activity of its own. SCP-C961 is seemingly immune to telepathy and mind-altering techniques.

SCP-C961's head contains seven gunshot wounds of varying nature, ranging from nine to twenty-one years in the past. In each case, evidence suggests that the bullet ricocheted off of SCP-C961-1 or shattered on impact. SCP-C961's medical history is otherwise unremarkable.

SCP-C961 has not communicated with personnel or divulged information of its own volition. It appears to be satisfied with the conditions of its containment.

Appendix A: SCP-C961 dialogue transcript. The non-SCP-C961 party is designated "Interviewer".

<Begin Log>

Interviewer: What is your name?

SCP-C961: Stevie.

Interviewer: What is the nature of spontaneous pattern annihilation?

SCP-C961: Don't try to flatter me. You already read my paper on it.

Interviewer: What is your area of expertise?

SCP-C961: Boundaries.

Interviewer: What is your real area of expertise?

SCP-C961: Getting shot in the head and not dying.

Interviewer: What is your real area of expertise?

SCP-C961: Sidereal looping.

Interviewer: What is the nature of sidereal looping?

SCP-C961: Transforming all signals into a repeating fragment with respect to an observer at infinity.

Interviewer: What enables sidereal looping?

SCP-C961: A sufficiently powerful secret.

Interviewer: What is the secret?

SCP-C961: The only thing you can't know.

Interviewer: What is the secret?

SCP-C961: It's locked in my head.

Interviewer: What technique unlocks your head?

SCP-C961: The negation of the universal technique.

Interviewer: What is the nature of your resistance to the universal technique?

SCP-C961: By expending finite resources, I restrict an infinite entity.

Interviewer: What permits your resistance to the universal technique?

SCP-C961: The universal technique is necessarily incomplete by the weak anthropic principle.

Interviewer: What enables your resistance to the universal technique?

SCP-C961: Sidereal looping.

Interviewer: What enables your resistance to the universal technique?

SCP-C961: Its boundary is the shape of my head.

Interviewer: What motivates your resistance to the universal technique?

SCP-C961: Spite.

Interviewer: What is the nature of your head?

SCP-C961: Goddammit.

Interviewer: What is the origin of your head?

SCP-C961: The same as yours.

Interviewer: What is the distinction?

SCP-C961: Yours is turned inside out.

Interviewer: What is the distinction?

SCP-C961: The size of a particular fruit.

Interviewer: What is the fruit?

SCP-C961: Among other things, a geographically idiosyncratic descriptor.

Interviewer: What is the fruit?

SCP-C961: Among other things, the psychic scream of a civilization at its limit.

Interviewer: What is your concern with civilization?

SCP-C961: Sentiment.

Interviewer: What is the fruit?

SCP-C961: Among other things, a pomegranate.

Interviewer: What is the fruit?

SCP-C961: Among other things, the alignment of reality to will, albeit within confines.

Interviewer: What is the fruit?

SCP-C961: Among other things, the boundary between finite knowledge and limitless oblivion.

Interviewer: What is the nature of your response?

SCP-C961: I'm drawing the shape of each bullet you tried on me. Fuck you.

Interviewer: What is the fruit?

SCP-C961: Among other things, terminal state induction.

Interviewer: What is the fruit?

SCP-C961: A game played on a maximal scale, with precisely two players.

Interviewer: What is your allegiance?

SCP-C961: Hail Satan.

Interviewer: What is your allegiance?

SCP-C961: Not applicable.

Interviewer: Who's winning?

SCP-C961: It's a stalemate.

<End Log>

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