Due to the utmost importance of SCP-C001-Y, and all phenomena, projects, and anomalies related to it, this file has been designated Top Secret. All personnel currently working with Project AETHER-DRAIN have full access to this file, as well as Document DANGEROUS-WATERS.
This file has been laced with multiple memetic kill agents embedded within its text. Unauthorized access will result in instantaneous termination.
You have been warned, and this will be your final warning.
Survey. Corrupt. Plunder.
Item #: SCP-C001 Oh, we'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
Object Class: YggdrasilWe'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
Special Containment Procedures: Operation BLUE-MOON is to be enacted in the event significant advancements pertaining to multi-universal travel are made in the public sector. Operation BLUE-MOON consists of the following procedures: We'd be alright if the wind was in our sails
- The use of Scranton/Messer Dimension Access Supports (SMDAS) to close all entrances to the nearest 200 universes. Information regarding SMDASs can be found within Document SMDAS-QNTMDIMNSL, rev 2.1.9. And we'll all hang on behind…
- The use of 4 Dimensional Hop-Scotch Travel Apparatuses, which have been created for the use of traveling between universes when SMDASs have been constructed and fully operational.1 And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
- All Kappa-Class SCP-C001-Φ instances are to be given notice that citizens from Universe-Alpha-Ask have discovered how to travel in between universes. Contact is to be severed from all but two Kappa-Class SCP-C001-Φ instances. We'll ro-o-oll the golden chariot along!
- Project AETHER-DRAIN is to be discontinued immediately, and SCP-C001-Y is to be transported to a universe with an SCP Foundation that has been disbanded. Emergency Project BLAZING-SUN is to be enacted immediately after the entirety of O5 Command have left Universe-Alpha-Ask. We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
In the event that a member from an Alpha-Class SCP-C001-Φ instance ever discovers/tries to interact with Universe-Alpha-Ask, they are to be detained and sent to Metaphysical Site-η, located within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6, colloquially coined "The Mesh". And we'll all hang on behind!
Instead of a nuclear warhead, the Site has been rigged with a "Retro-Causal Metaphysical Eradication Device", which, in the event of a containment breach, will retroactively remove all matter from the nearby vicinity, along with the Site and two kilometers of the surrounding Mesh. Oh, we'd be alright if we make it round The Horn!
Appendix 271-AAY: Project AETHER-DRAIN is currently at full effect, and all Foundation personnel with level 1 clearance or higher have been advised that interacting with multi-universal anomalies outside of their clearance is punishable by retro-termination via Standard Foundation Grandfather Guillotine. More information regarding Project AETHER-DRAIN can be found within Document DANGEROUS-WATERS. We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn!
Additionally, personnel traveling to other Kappa-Class SCP-C001-Φ instances are to greet personnel from other Foundations with the following phrase, which is prevalent and has been recognized between all Kappa-Class instances: We'd be alright if we make it round The Horn!
Mundos collidi faceret. Nos operari simul ad metam. Non deesset nobis signum.2 And we'll all hang on behind…
Description: SCP-C001 is a multi-universal and dimensional constant. SCP-C001 dictates that every reality and dimension has/had an SCP Foundation, hereafter referred to as an SCP-C001-Φ instance. While the appearance and function of SCP-C001-Φ instances may be drastically different, each Foundation has the following constants: And we'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
- Each SCP-C001-Φ instance shares the goal of containing phenomena and items that they see as anomalous and preventing them from reaching the public. We'll ro-o-oll the golden chariot along!
- Each SCP-C001-Φ instance has O5 council members, doctors, researchers, SCP objects, and an Administrator (see Document DANGEROUS-WATERS). We'll ro-o-oll the old chariot along!
- Each SCP-C001-Φ instance has either documented/acknowledged the existence of SCP-C001. And we'll all hang on behind!
Because of this, most SCP-C001-Φ instances are not hostile towards Foundation personnel. However, some instances have been known to attack upon visual contact (see Document DANGEROUS-WATERS). SCP-C001-Φ instances have been categorized into two groups: Alpha-Class and Kappa-Class instances.Well a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm!
Class Alpha: Class Alpha are SCP-C001-Φ instances that have either not encountered the Foundation from Universe-Alpha-Ask3, or have decided not to aid the Prime Foundation. Class Alpha instances make up approximately 80% of all the instances discovered by the Prime Foundation. However, these instances are still capable of aiding the Prime Foundation if the situation is of extreme importance on a multi-universal scale. This has occurred 7 times since SCP-C001 was discovered by the Prime Foundation. A night on the town wouldn't do us any harm!
Class Kappa: Class Kappa are SCP-C001-Φ instances that have decided to aid the Prime Foundation for the purposes of Project AETHER-DRAIN. Approximately 97% of all Class Kappa instances have aided in the construction of SCP-C001-Y (See Document DANGEROUS-WATERS), including the implementation of anomalous weaponry, and more ways to easily travel between dimensions. Approximately 20% of all discovered SCP-C001-Φ instances are Class Kappa. Oh, a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm!
Appendix 951-LMA: List of notable variances of SCP-C001-Φ instances: And we'll all hang on behind…
Codename | Classification | Description |
"The Foundation for the Special Containment of People-like Anomalies" | SCP-C001-Φ-4 (Alpha) | SCP-C001-Φ-4 is entirely focused on the containment for anomalies related to primates. Contained anomalies include SCP-2984, SCP-397, SCP-1000, SCP-C001, and an unidentified species of Macaca Sinica that are capable of sub-dimensional travel. |
"Galactic Anomalous Containment Procedures Foundation" | SCP-C001-Φ-9 (Kappa) | SCP-C001-Φ-9 has gained influence over the entire Milky Way galaxy through special use of SCP-2063 and [DATA EXPUNGED], and has established at least a single Site on approximately ███████ planets. The current population of this Foundation is ████████, and the total population count is ██████████████. |
"基金会"4 | SCP-C001-Φ-17 (Alpha) | SCP-C001-Φ-17 is currently theorized to be an SCP Foundation that was established and abandoned an unknown amount of time ago in ancient China. Several containment procedures for a large number of unknown anomalies were recovered, character files describing personnel, as well as the documentation for an anomaly extremely similar to SCP-C001, which describes "traveling up a giant tree, meeting clones of The Foundation on each branch they climbed." |
"Seafloor Colonization Planning" | SCP-C001-Φ-25 (Alpha) | SCP-C001-Φ-25 is an organization dedicated to keeping knowledge regarding the seafloor and all of its numerous anomalies away from the public. Approximately 500 sites have been established in all of the Earth's oceans. Recently, they have identified an anomaly within [REDACTED] which is capable of transporting mammals to another random universal plane. |
"Skeptics Congregation Place" | SCP-C001-Φ-26 (Alpha) | SCP-C001-Φ-26 is currently a group composed of 30 individuals that was located within a garage in ███, Washington. They were mostly known as a conspiracy theorists group, before discovering SCP-689. After SCP-689 killed 4 of their members, they successfully trapped it in a safe and stored it in the leader's closet. They then dedicated their group to the findings and containment of similar anomalous phenomena in order to ensure the safety of humanity. |
"Info-Cognetic Foundation of Memetics Containment" | SCP-C001-Φ-33 (Alpha) | SCP-C001-Φ-33 is an organization dedicated to the documentation and containment of cognitohazardous, infohazardous, or anti-memetic anomalies. While highly secretive, it is known that SCP-C001-Φ-33 is much more effective at containing these than the Prime Foundation, and have developed stronger and more efficient mnestics. It is hypothesized that their current goal is the neutralization of [DATA LOST]. |
"ארגונו של אלוהים"5 | SCP-C001-Φ-43 (Kappa) | SCP-C001-Φ-43 is a group dedicated to the study of the Abrahamic God via analysis of anomalies. It is theorized that the group evolved as a splinter of The Horizon Initiative, which formed in 1855 instead of 1960. It is predicted SCP-C001-Φ-43 has control of roughly 7000 Abrahamic anomalies. |
And we'll all hang on behiiiiiiind…
If you can read this, you have the clearance to view Document DANGEROUS-WATERS. You are probably wondering why the article is named as such. There is a reason. There is a reason why the Prime Foundation is growing exponentially, despite resources seemingly coming from nowhere: we are sinking other people's ships.
It'll make sense in time. However, most of the stuff that we have that isn't anomalous, whether it be containment procedures, containment cells, or even entire sites, were looted. Stolen. Captured. Pirated.
We need all hands on deck. All aboard.
A dead man speaks once more.
Logo for the Mutidimensional Assault and Retrieval Section |
ACTING PERSONNEL: O5-1, Kolt Moor; Multidimensional Assault and Retrieval Section
OPERATION DESCRIPTION: Project AETHER-DRAIN (O-AD) is a Foundation-wide project established by O5-1 in 1965 for the purposes of gaining resources crucial to the SCP Foundation's cause. O5-1 founded the Department for the Longevity of the Foundation in 1967, now known officially as the Multidimensional Assault and Retrieval Section. For this project, multiple proposals were raised, including:
- Attaining a considerable amount of currency by doing work for individuals willing to pay.
- The development of a mass mining operation for expensive and rare ores, and then selling them for currency.
- Using anomalous objects.
O-AD has since become a Class-Omega-Erikesh operation (High Priority; Medium Urgency; Very Low Chance For Failure.) SCP-C001-Y is currently the focal point of all O-AD related activities (see below).
The following are excerpts from the journal of O5-1, leading to the construction of SCP-C001-Y.
Page 1
The SCP Foundation is currently low on funds. After a containment breach that destroyed Site-05 and Site-16 within The Gulf of Mexico, repair costs have caused us to go into debt. Excluding site necessities, we are shit out of luck.
Two told me the other day that we were expecting a large shipment of anomalous artifacts from the recent archaeologic survey, and that based on their anomalies, we wouldn't be able to do shit about them. She suggested we make a deal with a fellow named Carter over in New Jersey. Apparently, he's currently looking for some paranormal items in exchange for a shit load of money. Normally I would say no without hesitation, but I'm actually hard pressed. This will be a difficult decision.
Page 2
I've decided to cancel the appointment with Carter. Told me he was looking for a big hunk of metal that makes a grinding noise that makes people go crazy. Probably talking about 882. Told him to fuck off.
The anomalies arrived earlier than expected. We needed to build an expected 20-30 cells or so for all of them. I've ordered the emergency termination of various Safe and Mild class anomalies to use their lockboxes to contain these new ones.
That, and our only Keter is getting antsy, and almost destroyed its entire containment cell, and subsequently the entire site. We got lucky this time, but I have a feeling we definitely won't be able to afford anything else. We should be good on basic Site necessities for all main Sites for the next few months. I'm getting kinda desperate here.
Page 3
Screw it. I'm going over with MTF-Mi-22 ("Shattered Earth") to transport SCP-882 to Carter and see what he has to offer us. If we need to, we'll get it later after we actually get some profits going, even if we have to shake him up a bit.
Page 4
Gave us 500,000 dollars, which is more than enough to kick us back into shape. While we were carrying the vat of seawater solution with the thing inside his building, Carter stepped me aside and whispered in my ear.
"You know, I'm actually underpaying with the object that you're sellin', I got anotha big clockwork thingy you can also have. Doesn't wanna make you jump in it, nothin' like that."
Told em we would take it. It was most likely anomalous, after all, probably would be good research material. Also, there was no way we were letting them have two anomalies.
Page 5
Interesting. The item that Carter gave us is also a large clockwork mass, but it outputs large amounts of energy indefinitely. It also can bond to any contraption instantly, acting as a sort of "infinity battery" for that object.
This item could power an entire city easily with how much energy it puts out. This will be supremely useful. However, we haven't figured out how we can have it supply energy to all the Foundation sites all around the world!
An item was spotted in the Sahara Desert the other day. It's probably a Keter as well, size of a skyscraper and it's just walking around in the desert. Site-127 is being built near its vicinity in order to contain it, but that is already a huge blow to the money we got from Carter, not even counting all the amnestics we had to give out to witnesses.
(The next 2 pages are covered in ink and illegible. It is currently theorized that this was on purpose.)
Page 8
Again, getting desperate. We had to shut down operations of over 17 Sites globally because they were eating too much of our money after we contained the giant creature. However, I have a plan. A plan that would get me killed if anyone heard about it, but a plan nonetheless: build a craft capable of going in the sky and sea, and steal trinkets of value from communities all around the world, and sell them on The White Market in order to pay for things.
The rest of the council is probably going to hate me for this, but I've kept this a secret from them. There's literally no way else we can keep going without going against our mission, and I know that I would be slaughtered and/or amnesticized if they found out.
The item that Carter gave us would prove an excellent power source for the craft. I've gone ahead and given Johnny, a researcher over at Site-01, and his boys the go-ahead to begin construction, allowing full use of the item as well, along with Level 4 Clearance for any anomalies they might require for the project on a need to know basis. Let's see how this goes.
The Ship
Approved by O5-1, Birth Name: Kolt Moor The Vessel of Corruption is Man shaped.
---------------------- Description ----------------------
SCP-C001-Y (also known as The Ship) is a transportation vehicle that has two distinct modes:
1: Flight mode
2: Watercraft mode.
Image of SCP-C001-Y in Flight mode, circa 1972 |
Flight mode takes the form of a modified Antonov An-22 military transport-vehicle, and currently the largest plane in the world. Flight mode is equipped with 50 M2 Browning machine guns that are capable of 3200-3500 rpm and shoot special Foundation grade bullets that are capable of destroying extremely strong materials, such as steel and concrete (see Document STY-ON-TRGT for more information).
Flight mode is also equipped with hooks, that are capable of holding and carrying supremely large amounts of weight. These hooks are capable of carrying and transporting 72,500 kilograms approximately 300 kilometers. However, the largest amount of weight that it is confirmed to be able to carry is 5,000 kilograms.
Watercraft mode takes the form of a large freight, designed after the Sabrina I, an obscure merchant ship. Watercraft mode carries a large amounts of various types of weaponry that are theoretically capable of wiping out a shoreline, such as large explosives, machine guns [seen in Flight mode] and an armory full of weapons in the event that Foundation personnel ever need to be dispatched and attack a given location, and/or retrieve an item of interest.
SCP-C001-Y is capable of transforming between the two modes through use of an anomaly present within an artifact acquired by O5-1 from Carter Thompson. Transformation does not harm any passengers on board, does not damage the surrounding environment, and makes minimal amount of noise (75 dB). For more information regarding this, please contact Researcher Dean Cruz or O5-1.
---------------------- Timeline ----------------------
January 2nd, 1969: O5-1 orders the construction of SCP-C001-Y. A budget of 15 million dollars is dedicated to its creation.
March 25th, 1969: The construction of SCP-C001-Y begins.
July 31st, 1969: The first prototype is created.
August 1st, 1969: A test run for the original prototype is performed, and is unsuccessful.
September 16th, 1969: The second prototype is created.
September 17th, 1969: A test run for the second prototype is performed, and is unsuccessful.
October 21st, 1969: The third prototype is created.
October 22nd, 1969: A test run for the third prototype is performed. Watercraft mode is successful. Flight mode is slightly successful.
October 27th, 1969: Changes are made to Flight mode.
October 29th, 1969: A test run for Flight mode is performed. It is considered successful.
November 5th, 1969: Minor modifications are applied to SCP-C001-Y.
November 6th, 1969: SCP-C001-Y is completed.
---------------------- Note from O5-1 ----------------------
Here it is, folks. It's perfect. You've poured your blood, sweat and tears into this contraption, and it's finally complete. She flies sky high, and scours the ocean blue like nothing else.
I would like to assure everyone, that while this may seem unethical at first, this is for the greater good. A couple of pillages every now and then beats out damning this world into the abyss without us to safeguard it. We are here to fulfill our one primary objective: preserve reality.
Welcome aboard, gentlemen. We've got things to do.
Secure. Contain. Protect.
The following is a log of attacks on areas with anomalies of interest conducted by SCP-C001-Y. All attacks have been conducted from November 6th, 1969, to August 9th, 1978 under supervision of O5-1. Before being sold to the White Market, all anomalies acquired have been manipulated, and have had their anomaly duplicated and applied to SCP-C001-Y. Please see SCP-C001-Y Iteration 2.0 for more information.
Date: 17/9/1969
Location: Unidentified jungle in South America
Item of Interest: Wooden spoon. Allows wielders to effortlessly control all wood-based materials within a 500-meter spherical radius.
Advancements to Ship: Defense system capable of shielding the ship in a layer of protective wood from nearby trees.
Status: Item retrieved. 75% of jungle completely destroyed. Cover story Delta-6 (Failed Nuclear Test) is implanted.
White Market Payout: $150,000
Date: 28/1/1970
Location: South-Eastern Kansas
Item of Interest: Fishtank. Any liquid poured inside instantly turns into tea.
Advancements to Ship: Replication of miniature version of the anomaly, producing tea for crewmen when digestible water is unavailable.
Status: Item retrieved. The household the item was contained in is completely destroyed. Cover story Alpha-4 (Gas Leak) is implanted.
White Market Payout: $95,000
Date: 14/6/1972
Location: Nepal
Item of Interest: Large bundle of clockwork, consisting of pulleys, levers, and cogs, in the shape of a bouquet of flowers. Along with the item of interest, a note was found, which said in Nepali: "To: John. From: Michael. Be with me in the Courtroom of the Broken God forever."
Advancements to Ship: The ability to create small clockwork automatons approximately the size of a small bird, that are capable of making repairs to the outer hull of Watercraft/Flight mode.
Status: Item retrieved. Item was in a large metal casket, presumably serving as a tomb. Inside were two nonfunctional humanoid automatons that appear to have been interred with it.
White Market Payout: $650,000
Date: 21/6/1972
Location: Finland
Item of Interest: Trash bin. When any matter is inserted inside, it will undergo rapid chemical destabilization, essentially vaporizing the object.
Advancements to Ship: Upgrade to weapons system.
Status: Item retrieved from bottom of a lake, being emptied by its effect.
White Market Payout: $400,000
The Ship, ITERATION 2.0
Approved by O5-1, Birth Name: Kolt Moor
---------------------- Description ----------------------
SCP-C001-Y (also known as The Ship) is a transportation vehicle combat vehicle that has two distinct modes:
1: Flight mode
2: Watercraft mode.
Image of SCP-C001-Y in Watercraft mode, circa 1977 |
Flight mode takes the form of a modified Antonov An-22 military transport-vehicle, and currently the largest plane in the world. Flight mode is equipped with 50 M2 Browning machine guns that are capable of 3200-3500 rpm and shoot special Foundation grade bullets, that are capable of destroying extremely strong materials, such as steel and concrete (see Document STY-ON-TRGT for more information). Flight mode is also equipped with Grade-177 Type Napalm Grenade Launchers, capable of launching grenades full of napalm at distances as far as 1500 meters away.
Flight mode is also equipped with hooks, that are capable of holding and carrying supremely large amounts of weight. These hooks are capable of carrying and transporting 72,500 kilograms approximately 300 kilometers. However, the largest amount of weight that it is confirmed to be able to carry is 5,000 kilograms 225 thousand metric tons.
Watercraft mode takes the form of a large freight, designed after the Sabrina I, an obscure merchant ship. Watercraft mode carries a large amounts of various types of weaponry that are theoretically capable of wiping out a shoreline, such as large explosives, machine guns [seen in Flight mode], matter-destabilizing particle beams, and an armory full of weapons in the event that Foundation personnel ever need to be dispatched and attack a given location, and/or retrieve an item of interest.
SCP-C001-Y is capable of transforming between the two modes through use of an anomaly present within an artifact acquired by O5-1 by Carter Thompson. Transformation does not harm any passengers on board, does not damage the surrounding environment, and makes minimal amount of noise (75 dB 40 dB). Access to this clockwork anomaly is only available to O5-1. For more information regarding this, please contact Researcher Dean Cruz or O5-1 O5-1.
Multiple changes have been made to SCP-C001-Y, based around anomalous objects that have been obtained before being sold. This is possible through an Anomalous Energy Field Manipulator (AEFM) capable of replicating an anomaly, and applying it to another, non-anomalous object.
Date: 5/11/1973
Location: Atlantic ocean
Item of Interest: A member of the Architeuthis genus (Giant squid) that is approximately 75% larger than other members of its species.
Advancements to Ship: Increases speed in water in Watercraft mode, through the use of multiple apparatuses resembling squid tentacles approximately 50-75 meters long.
Status: Item retrieved. Slight damage of SCP-C001-Y's water mode. Two crew members were injured.
White Market Payout: $1.2 million
Date: 22/2/1975
Location: Zimbabwe
Item of Interest: Small jade gemstone. Emits small amount of light. Any human language the wielder does not understand becomes translated to the wielder's first language upon contact with the emitted light.
Advancements to Ship: See Action Proposal: JOLLY ROGER below.
Status: Item retrieved. Town entirely destroyed. 428 civilian casualties. Fifteen Foundation personnel casualties, one Foundation personnel death. Cover story Omega-9 (Soviet Union Raid) is implanted. Use of explosives in SCP-C001-Y raids now requires permission from O5-1.
White Market Payout: $265,000
Date: 3/11/1977
Location: Alaska
Item of Interest: King of Diamonds and Jack of Diamonds playing cards. When the King of Diamonds is launched by any means, the item will transport any object it makes contact with, that weighs 1.65 or less kilograms, to the location of the Jack of Diamonds.
Advancements to Ship: A precise teleportation device is created, for the use of transporting objects long distances away to SCP-C001-Y.
Status: Item retrieved. 1 crewman injured during retrieval, after accidentally transporting their finger, removing it completely.
White Market Payout: $270,000
Date: 9/8/1978
Location: Antarctica
Item of Interest: Small plastic knife. When the item moves above a specific speed, it tears the space-time within the area, creating a wormhole to another universe.
Advancements to Ship: N/A (See below.)
Status: Item retrieved.
White Market Payout: N/A (Not sold.)
To the Foundation: We have failed. SCP-2700 is about to activate, and will completely destroy this universe within a matter of days. With unanimous consensus from the O5 Council, we will be transporting to another universe extremely similar to ours.
For those who wish to survive, travel to Site-551. You will find the transport airplane that will take us out of this universe. It may be scrambled at any moment. Make haste.
Let's hope the next reality serves us well.
... The Jolly Roger is raised once more.
Eh, erm, this thing on? Testing, testing.
Okay, it works. Ehem. SCP-C001-Y Personal Audio Log, day 1. This is O5-1 speaking. The attempt at universal travel has succeeded. The Ship is currently within… some form of pocket dimension. There's very little light and matter outside of the craft, and matter that we can interact with escapes our grasp easily. We believe it may be a form of bose-einstein condensate, but we're unsure.
The rotor blades of The Ship have had an anomalous plastic knife attached to it, which will allows us to travel in between universes.
The Ship's integrity is holding up well. Nothing out of the ordinary about that. I don't know how The Ship is generating lift when there isn't that much matter outside of the craft, but I'm not complaining. The infinity battery is in perfect condition. What can I say? It's a perfect day to set sail.
Anyway, we're approaching on a solid cluster of matter. I think it might just be nothing, but the boys have a theory that it's an entrance to another universe. We're going over to check it out, test it, see if it is another universe.
Logging off.
A large cluster of matter was found within the sub-dimension that SCP-C001-Y entered (now known as sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6). This cluster was revealed to be a tear in space-time linking to another universe. Through use of the anomalous plastic knife, and several Tilda/Cimmerian Reality Vacuum Attachments, SCP-C001-Y successfully entered the space-time tear.
The universe is very similar to the former universe, except for the following noticeable changes:
- The Prison-State of Britain became a country on January 1, 1901 under the name "The Commonwealth of Australia."
- A large portion of Mexico is gone, and formed a peninsula called the "Baja California Peninsula."
- TalleyBall is instead named "Baseball." Baseball has the same exact rules as TalleyBall.
- ███████ ██████████ was revealed to have never existed within the northern Aegean Sea.
- Maine isn't a region within Canada, and is instead a state within the United States. In addition, Hawaii was annexed in 1898, and became the 50th state instead of Cuba.
Two days after arriving, Agent Shirly was captured by a previously unknown organization and was subsequently transported to an unknown location. The following is an interrogation between Shirly and her captors, recovered from their recording device.
[Begin Log, 1979.]
Unknown: Please state your name, age, and occupation for the file.
Shirly: Hrm, Jessica Shirly. 32. Field Agent.
Unknown: Field Agent?
Shirly: Yes.
Unknown: Where do you work as a Field Agent?
Shirly: That's classified.
Unknown: (Chuckling) Oh, really? Why is that?
Shirly: Do you people really think I'm that easy to get info out of?
Unknown: Perhaps. Where do you think you are right now?
Shirly: (Silence for 10 seconds, presumably Agent Shirly examining her surroundings.) A research facility I'm assuming.
Unknown: Great job. Now, why do you think you were transported to this research facility?
Shirly: How am I supposed to know?
Unknown: Hmm. Okay. Well, Jessica, you were spotted in California, I assume you already know that. However, you arrived in an airplane… after coming out of a wormhole. Would you tell me about that?
Shirly: Y'know, I'd rather not.
Unknown: Refusing to answer won't stop us getting the information. Now, please explain the airplane and the wormhole.
Shirly: (Shirly sighs.) We came from a dying world, and we had nowhere to go. This is the first universe that we came across.
Unknown: Dying world? Could you tell me more?
Shirly: There was this device. I don't know exactly what it was, but it was in the process of reversing entropy and destroying reality. There was no way to stop it.
Unknown: What is your world like?
Shirly: Same as this one, from what I can tell. Mexico looks different, and the United States is a bit weirder, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary.
Unknown: Hmm. (Silence for five seconds.) Shirly, thank you for this interview, we'll be transporting you to a humanoid containment ce-
Shirly: Wait a minute. (Pause) Could you kindly move to the side a bit?
Unknown: (The entity speaks something into a device, confirmed later to be a radio. Ten seconds pass.) Okay.
Shirly: (Three seconds pass.) The Foundation Symbol…
Unknown: Excuse me, what did you say?
Shirly: …You're from the SCP Foundation, aren't you?
Unknown: I cannot tell you tha-
Shirly: (Shirly rummages through her bag.) Hold on, let me show you something.
(Before the interviewer can stop her, Shirly reveals her Foundation Clearance Card, revealing that she is a level 2 Foundation Agent.)
Unknown: Who are you?
Shirly: I'm an agent working for the SCP Foundation, as you can see by my ID. Not this one though. This is the first universe that we came across. Let me go, and I will show you to the others.
Unknown: (Ten seconds pass.) Hmm. We will keep you under watch for now. I'll speak with the site director about this.
[End Log, 1979.]
Two days later, Agent Shirly was transported to SCP-C001-Y's location by three armed guards. O5-1 exited SCP-C001-Y and began negotiations with the other Foundation's O5-1. After brief communication, Agent Shirly was freed, and our O5-1 began to travel with the armed guards to the nearest Foundation site.
The following is a report created by Ben Western, designated O5-4 within the Alternate Foundation:
Proposal to O5 Council
To the O5 Council;
A few days ago, we encountered a group of entities from presumably another reality. They arrived in a modified airplane, which is capable of transportation between realities. We captured one of their members, Field Agent Jessica Shirly, and after extensive interrogation and testing, we've determined that besides the airplane that they came from, these entities are non-anomalous.
You probably already know that they call themselves the SCP Foundation as well, but their O5-1, the current head of this Foundation, has raised a proposal for our O5 Council: he wishes to merge with us, creating one bigger SCP Foundation to protect the public in this reality.
Currently, they have approximately 1500 personnel, compared to our 850. They have 8 O5 Council members, compared to our 5. They possess technology that outmatches ours, tenfold.
This is a proposal to allow their Foundation to merge with our Foundation for the purposes of our mission.
Authored: O5-4, Ben Western
Testimonial: Dr. Joseph Milstein
O5 Council Vote
AGREE: O5-2, O5-3, O5-5
RESULT: Motion proceeds.
Note from O5-5
I am always more than happy to increase the Foundation's influence, however, while I approve of the merge, I am still wary that they might still be a threat in some way. The newcomers will be given different colored clothing to distinguish them from our personnel, and will be extensively monitored for any anomalous/malicious activity.
SCP-C001-Y Personal Audio Log, day 43. The two Foundations have successfully merged, and the other, smaller Foundation's O5s have been added to our own. We're well underway to preserving the anomalous veil, even if our universe (which we've named Alpha-Toph) is dead. This new universe, (Alpha-Ask) is a lot different from the old one, and we're still not sure what is considered anomalous here, but we'll do our best.
We've began construction of a new site in the Nevada desert, it has been given the designation of "Site-19" for the time being, it'll serve as a base of operations for us while we settle in.
Oh, yeah, almost forgot. Johnny and his boys came up to me the other day, told me they've made a discovery. They made an analysis of the nearby 250 universes or so, and have determined that all of them either have an SCP Foundation, or used to have one. They say that it's a "one in a quadrillion" or something chance of it happening. Not sure how I feel about that.
You know, back at Alpha-Toph, before we left for greener pastures, I did have an idea. When everyone was scurrying around to get to The Ship, I thought to myself: "We can't just let our dimension traveling abilities go to waste." I thought, "Other dimensions could have planets filled with resources ripe for the picking." But if there's a bunch of SCP Foundations everywhere in the multiverse, it's possible we could all merge. It took a while for these two Foundations to merge, so I was thinking… why not just cut out the middleman?
Anyway, logging off. There's a place in hell for traitors, and a hole just your size.
Site: Site-19
Recipient: O5-1 (Kolt Moor), Site-Director of Site-19 (Johnny Messer)
Needed Materials: 7 AEoF Dimension Batteries, 15 Universal Travel Supports, 1 plastic knife.
Reason: We are currently researching into more efficient ways to travel in between universes. AEoF Dimension Batteries as back-up generators in case the clockwork anomaly fails, Universal Travel Supports to support the plane while it's in between realities, and a plastic knife to replace the dimensional razor that's going to break any time soon (by replicating the anomaly and putting it onto another knife).
Response: Granted. We'll ship over the supplies as soon as we can. ETA is approximately four days. Good luck with your research.
-Director Damon, Site-17.
Order: (7) AEoF Dimension Batteries, delivery date: 3 days.
Order: (15) Universal Structural Supports, delivery date: 1 day
Order: (1) plastic knife, delivery date: 12 hours.
Status: Successfully delivered
The Ship, ITERATION 3.0
Approved by O5-1, Birth Name: Kolt Moor
---------------------- Description ----------------------
SCP-C001-Y (also known as The Ship) is a combat vehicle that has two three distinct modes:
1: Flight mode
2: Watercraft mode.
3: Inter-Dimensional mode.
Image of SCP-C001-Y in Inter-Dimensional mode, currently within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6, circa 1983. |
Flight mode takes the form of a modified Antonov An-22 military transport-vehicle, and currently the largest plane in the world. Flight mode is equipped with 50 M2 Browning machine guns that are capable of 3200-3500 rpm and shoot special Foundation grade bullets, that are capable of destroying extremely strong materials, such as steel and concrete (see Document STY-ON-TRGT for more information). Flight mode is also equipped with Grade-177 Type Napalm Grenade Launchers, capable of launching grenades full of napalm at distances as far as 1500 meters away. The craft has been covered with a thin layer of a Foundation-created material, known informally as graphene, which will increase the effectiveness of the ship's armor.
Flight mode is also equipped with hooks, that are capable of holding and carrying supremely large amounts of weight. The largest amount of weight that it is confirmed to be able to carry is 225 thousand metric tons.
Watercraft mode takes the form of a large freight, designed after the Sabrina I, an obscure merchant ship. Watercraft mode carries a large amounts of various types of weaponry that are theoretically capable of wiping out a shoreline, such as large explosives, machine guns [seen in Flight mode], matter-destabilizing particle beams, a memetic anomaly that takes the form of a black flag which intimidates non-inoculated primates, and an armory full of weapons in the event that Foundation personnel ever need to be dispatched and attack a given location, and/or retrieve an item of interest.
Inter-Dimensional mode takes the form of a modified space shuttle, specifically designed to travel in between universes, from within the individual pocket dimensions. Inter-Dimensional mode is approximately 17,500 square meters in size. Inter-Dimensional mode is equipped with weapons from Flight mode and Watercraft mode, only modified for a dimensional or an alternate-reality environment, in the event of enemy interference.
SCP-C001-Y is capable of transforming between the two three modes through use of an anomaly present within an artifact acquired by O5-1 by Carter Thompson. Transformation does not harm any passengers on board, does not damage the surrounding environment, and makes minimal amount of noise (40 dB 35 dB). Access to this clockwork anomaly is only available to O5-1 and Johnny Messer. For more information regarding this, please contact O5-1.
Multiple changes have been made to SCP-C001-Y, based around anomalous objects that have been obtained before being sold. This is possible through an Anomalous Energy Field Manipulator (AEFM) capable of replicating an anomaly, and applying it to another, non-anomalous object.
---------------------- Note from O5-1 ----------------------
Welcome everyone to your new home. This is Alpha-Ask, known officially with the designation "E-7123277". The two Foundations have now become one, from now on, we will call ourselves the Prime Foundation. Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, the O5s from our universe are still the same numbers- the new O5s were added on to us. There are now, in total, 13 O5 members. Please remember this.
Our first order of business is to gain a foothold in this reality. Johnny said that, after further investigation, they have determined that every single universe within the multiverse has an SCP Foundation. It may sound insane, but it's true. I have decided that our best course of action is to meet these Foundations, and establish a relationship with them. If things do not go as planned, we will resort to force.
All personnel assigned to SCP-C001-Y are to meet at Site-19 first thing tomorrow morning. I have some things I would like to discuss.
Survey. Contain. Protect. You will learn why I am king and you are little more than peasants.
Proposal to O5 Council
To the O5 Council;
It has come to my attention the existence of a peculiar phenomenon affecting all possible universes: every single one contains, or at some point has contained, a variant of the SCP Foundation. This, of course, has a roughly 1/1010¹⁰ chance of occurring, which is clearly an anomalous phenomenon. An SCP article has already been written for it. However, the issue at hand is this: What do we make of these new Foundations? Which do we know to trust, and which are our enemies?
This is why I propose The Minerva Strategy. The strategy is simple: We ask for aid from these Foundations for our mission. If they accept, we cooperate. If they refuse, we attack. This is the basics of the operation. If they wish to aid in the construction of SCP-C001-Y, we will allow them to transport basic materials and workers. Attempted destruction of SCP-C001-Y, whether via sabotage or direct external attack, will cause us to declare war.
I will be implementing The Minerva Strategy as soon as it is accepted by the council.
Additional Resources: Operation AETHER-DRAIN | Document DANGEROUS-WATERS
Authored: O5-1, Kolt Moor
Testimonial: O5-3, Josef Isaac Keyer
O5 Council Vote
Note from O5-1:
Excellent. As soon as possible, most likely sometime next week, we'll get started with the Minerva Strategy. I want all 001-Y necessary personnel to meet at Site-551, the main base of operations for AETHER-DRAIN, 001-Y, and the Minerva Strategy, tomorrow morning. It's a perfect day to set sail, gentlemen.
SCP-C001-Y Personal Audio Log, day 91. I have exciting news, The Minerva Strategy was successfully approved via Council vote. I could go on and on about how great this Strategy is, but I'm won't, because I have some standards at least. Hehe.
Anyway, first order of business is to establish a foothold within the pocket dimension known as…. let's call it The Mesh for now. It'll serve as a refuel and docking station for SCP-C001-Y, and as a place to unload any supplies we manage to snag. It shouldn't be at all difficult, since The Mesh basically seems like the real world, except a lot more black, and a lot more drafty. Seriously, it's rather cold in there.
And after that, we're heading towards the nearest Foundation and see how they respond to us. Everyone knows the drill by now, if they agree, they help build The Ship and can bring supplies to the site within The Mesh, and if they disagree, we steal those supplies anyway. Yadda yadda yadda, simple as that.
Oh, that's the siren. There's a containment breach occurring. Gotta go.
As a part of The Minerva Strategy, a small base of operations was constructed within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6. Metaphysical Site-η contains 15 rooms, 2 main containment areas, 1 Euclid class containment area, 5 staff quarters, and 7 D-Class Personnel Holding Areas.
Metaphysical Site-η serves as a docking area for SCP-C001-Y, as well as a supply deposit. It also serves as housing for personnel dedicated to Operation AETHER-DRAIN. As of the time of writing this document, Metaphysical Site-η is 80% constructed, however, already serves its purpose efficiently.
The following is a conversation between O5-1 and the current Site Director of Metaphysical Site-η, Johnny Messer, following its creation. It has been attached to this file by order of O5-1, as a means of reminding personnel of their mission.
O5-1: Isn't it beautiful? What do you think?
Johnny: Well, it certainly is something. I just have a question real quick, if you don't mind.
O5-1: Sure.
Johnny: Don't you think that what we're doing is… wrong? It feels wrong. We're essentially enslaving them. Is enslaving even the right word? I don't know. It just feels wrong.
(Footsteps are heard in the distance. Analysis of the current inhabitants of Metaphysical Site-η indicates that there is a high probability that it is O5-9, formerly Alpha-Ask's O5-1. The footsteps cease.)
O5-1: I understand your frustration, and honestly, I felt the same way too. But I just thought about it differently. The people we come across, we'll be telling them that we're doing a good deed, to unite the Multiverse under one banner, with no flaws about that. Who wouldn't want to accept that?
Johnny: Yes, bu-
O5-1: What we're doing is good. Like your parents always said, this is for your own good, even if you don't quite understand.
(More footsteps are heard. It is hypothesized that this is O5-9 leaving.)
Johnny: Yeah, I guess so.
O5-1: Good. Now, I got something to tell you real quick.
Johnny: Yes?
O5-1: I'm officially appointing you the "Admiral" to SCP-C001-Y. The rest of the SCP Foundation will know you as The Administrator, however.
Johnny: (Silence) Thank you.
O5-1: Any time. Now get back to your desk. You have paper work to do.
On ██/██/████, SCP-C001-Y began to travel to the nearest universe in order to gain allies and resources. After approximately two days, a large cluster of matter was located, and SCP-C001-Y began preparations to enter. SCP-C001-Y entered the cluster without any complications, and the universe appeared extremely similar to base-line, with the following notable exceptions:
- The most commonly spoken language on Earth is English, at 78% of the population as a first language and 89% as a first or secondary language.
- A large crater is located where the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is normally.
- The average drinking age across all nations is 28 instead of 21.
- 60% of the entire population is in poverty.
- The SCP Foundation is dedicated to the containment of currency-based anomalies, and following the teachings of Dr. Isaac Newton (1864-1925).
Upon arrival (to what is now known as Universe Epsilon-Yud), SCP-C001-Y landed on a nearby empty stretch of land, which was later revealed to be in India. A nearby Foundation site was discovered, named Site-228.
The following is a transcript between O5-1 and the inhabitants of Site-228 while attempting communication.
(A loud beep is heard)
Unknown: Mundos collidi faceret. Nos operari simul ad metam. Non deesset nobis signum. Please state your name and reason for entry.
O5-1: I am Kolt Moor. I am a member of the O5 Council from a different universe's SCP Foundation.
(Silence for 20 seconds.)
Unknown: Please wait a moment.
(5 minutes pass. The sound of a door being opened is heard, as well as the sound of a gun being holstered.)
Security Guard: Please place your hands in the air, and enter the building slowly.
(Silence for 50 seconds. The sound of a large door being closed is heard. The sound of a smaller door being opened is heard.)
Security Guard: Stay right here.
(The sound of a door being closed is heard. The door is almost immediately reopened.)
Unknown: Greetings Kolt. How are you feeling?
O5-1: Fine. Who are you?
Unknown: I'm a part of the O5 Council. I am O5-C. You can call me Doctor Bright though.
O5-1: Greetings, Bright. (Silence for 5 seconds.) That's an oddly familiar necklace.
O5-C: Heh. That's SCP-963, I'm assuming you have something similar to where you're from?
O5-1: Yes. I'm also assuming you're Jack Bright, am I correct?
O5-C: Indeed. Do you have a Bright in your universe?
O5-1: Yes. He's a Senior Researcher though. By the way, why did you nonchalantly let yourself be left alone with someone you've never met before?
O5-C: This room is rigged to detonate in the event something goes wrong. Not like I can die, anyways.
O5-1: Fair point.
O5-C: On another note, we've been researching into the concept of Foundations from other universes. We expected someone from another SCP Foundation to come along sometime. I don't think there could be an evil SCP Foundation, if you get me.
O5-1: That makes sense.
O5-C: So what brings you to this universe in the first place?
O5-1: Well, we need people to help build our interdimensional craft, used to go from dimension to dimension, and our current goal is to unite all the SCP Foundations under one banner. As a means to preserve the veil as a whole.
O5-C: A noble goal indeed. I shall talk to the rest of the council here if they agree to it, but I'd be happily on board with that. Make yourself at home at any of our Housing Sites.
O5-1: Thank you.
The following is an abridged log of interactions between SCP-C001-Y and various SCP Foundations. Interactions are formatted similarly to the previous SCP-C001-Y attack logs. Alternate SCP Foundations have been designated as SCP-C001-Φ instances
Date: 2/7/1985
Universe: Epsilon-Yud (SCP-C001-Φ-1)
Description of Foundation: Very similar to the Prime Foundation, is focused on the containment of anomalies focused around the generation of trade goods that they may sell to rich customers, and then distribute the money gained to people in poverty. Believed to have formed from a MC&D splinter group.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: SCP-C001-Φ-1 has stated that it will grant support any way it can to SCP-C001-Y and the Prime Foundation.
White Market Payout For Collected Items: N/A
Date: 18/8/1985
Universe: Iota-Delta (SCP-C001-Φ-7)
Description of Foundation: The organization is based around the containment of anomalous artifacts from different time periods. It is noted that this Foundation has contained over 500,000,000 separate artifacts of different anomalous properties.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: SCP-C001-Y is now capable of teleportation, with the maximum distance being 100 km. SCP-C001-Y is capable of doing this once every 3 days.
Additionally, SCP-C001-Y has grown twice its original size, and 10 rooms have been constructed to fill the unused space that was generated. With this, 50 new weapon systems were installed across Flight mode and Inter-Dimensional mode.
White Market Payout For Collected Items: $60,000,000
Date: 29/4/1986
Universe: Alpha-Delta (SCP-C001-Φ-25)
Description of Foundation: An organization dedicated to keeping knowledge regarding the seafloor and all of its numerous anomalies away from the public. SCP-C001-Φ-25 is currently focused around containing [REDACTED].
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: A dedicated Watercraft is mode no longer necessary. SCP-C001-Y is now capable of entering and maneuvering within large bodies of water. All of SCP-C001-Y weapons have been upgraded so that they now function at full capacity while completely submerged within water.
Additionally, SCP-C001-Y now possesses the mechanism to boil water in a nearby radius to 175 degrees Celsius. This function can be toggled at will.
White Market Payout For Collected Items: $125,050,000
Date: 2/6/1986
Universe: Sigma-Alpha (SCP-C001-Φ-32)
Description of Foundation: An organization dedicated to the worship of the Scarlet King and other deities related to it. The organization is very secretive, and does not wish to have the general public learn of the Scarlet King or their religion/artifacts, and thus attempts to contain all relevant artifacts from the public eye.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: Size has been increased by 20%. The strength of the hooks within Flight mode have been increased significantly, and can now carry weight as large as 500 thousand metric tons. Additionally, the amount of hooks has increased by 60.
White Market Payout For Collected Items: $950,000,000
SCP-C001-Y Personal Audio Log, day 157. O5-1 here. Everything is going splendid regarding Project AETHER-DRAIN and other related projects. The Ship is growing greatly, and is bigger, and better than before.
Besides that, I have some good news. Our SCP Foundation over at Alpha-Ask has so many resources right now, it's insane. We are financially capable of containing a shit ton of Keter SCPs at once without breaking a sweat. This is probably the best idea I've had in my life!
Ahem. Besides that, I have other news. With Johnny's recent promotion to The Admiral, he is known to the rest of the Foundation as "The Administrator." Supposedly a mysterious man that "founded the SCP Foundation." It's for people to stop asking questions, and I think it's working so far. The Admiral's job is basically just to run The Ship at the point, so the job of The Administrator and The Admiral are basically the same. Hehe.
Anyway, logging off.
Personnel of the Prime Foundation are encouraged to report any communication attempts to the Foundation and the outcome of the attempts in this log. This file is available to all personnel level 2 or higher. Classified information, as judged by the Site's Director, is subject to restrictions.
Communication Attempt: SCP-████
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: SCP-███
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: PoI-█████
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: SCP-███
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: Universe Epsilon-Yud
(-) Close Communication Log
Note: A radio signal was detected coming from SCP-███, and it was determined that the signal was originating from Epsilon-Yud. O5-1 decided to establish a connection, in an attempt at communication.
O5-1: Mundos collidi faceret. Nos operari simul ad metam. Non deesset nobis signum.
Unknown: Et ab eo, non sumus.
O5-1: We meet again, Bright.
O5-C: Indeed.
O5-1: What brings you to attempt to call us?
O5-C: Well, in our research in other universes, we've been hearing reports of an entity attacking several universes. So far, er… (Paper shuffling) 20 universes have reported a similar entity attacking them: a plane equipped with large amounts of weapons, stealing their anomalies.
O5-C: …Kolt, are you attacking people?
O5-1: What? No, of course not. We also saw an entity attack an SCP Foundation during our research, that is probably what you saw.
O5-C: …Are you sure?
O5-1: Positive.
O5-C: Really… (Sigh.) I need to go.
O5-1: Of course. Have a good day.
O5-C: You as well.
Communication Attempt: Anomalous-Object-████
(+) Open Communication Log
Proposal to O5 Council
To the O5 Council;
As some of you might know, when I was still located within Alpha-Toph, my original universe, we encountered a small jade gemstone that emitted a light that could translate any language we didn't understand to one we do understand. Here's the description of the artifact:
Small jade gemstone. Emits small amount of light. Any human language the wielder does not understand becomes translated to the wielder's first language upon contact with the emitted light.
My group of researchers and I decided 3 days ago that we would create a complex sound system for SCP-C001-Y, that would serve as a way to intimidate enemies in the chance that we ever get attacked, with the jade gemstone as a base for the anomaly. Lower their morale, make them not want to fight, et cetera. Thus, the Jolly Roger will be constructed, which performs the following:
- Scans nearby area (currently 100 km) for any form of sentient being.
- Scans each being, and will determine what sound they dislike the most (for more information into how this functions, see Document JOLLY-8112).
- Once it has collected every single being's least favorite sound, it will play a sound that will statistically cause extreme discomfort or pain to the most amount of people by searching for similarities in the collected sounds.
This allows a very reliable means of mass intimidation and distribution of widespread pain during combat, even against civilizations with entirely different cultures than ours, or even different biology. For example, the sound of scraping a fork across a plate might be the sound we wouldn't want to hear, but it might be music to another universe's ears.
Should it be accepted by the O5 Council, The Jolly Roger will be constructed and integrated into SCP-C001-Y as soon as possible.
Additional Resources: MINERVA STRATEGY | Document DANGEROUS-WATERS
Authored: O5-1, Kolt Moor
Testimonial: Head Research, Aryeh Curtis
O5 Council Vote
Note from O5-7:
I have many issues regarding this proposal, and I'm appalled that the majority of the Council actually approved of this vote. Aren't the thousands of weapons we've acquired enough? Isn't this enough? I feel like you've been stretching boundaries since day one, Kolt, and this is where you begin to cross the line. Does this Ethics Committee know about this?
Note from O5-10:
Seven, do you forget of our mission? We are on a quest to unite all the Foundations. Any Foundation which refuses to join us is clearly going against our mission. Who's to say that they aren't secretly planning our destruction currently? You heard O5-C's message to us. Measures will be taken. If a Foundation is not with us, they are against us, and they must be eradicated.
Note from O5-9:
You already know of my opinion. However, I do recommend you place some restraints on yourself, Kolt. Unnecessary warfare is unnecessary. Your frivolous behavior and desires for war have resulted in consequences beyond our expectations. When I reluctantly agreed to merge Foundations, I had something a lot more peaceful in mind. Not this.
Watch yourself Kolt. You might end up slipping.
The following is the second iteration of the SCP-C001-Y Universe Negotiations Log.
Date: 17/8/1986
Universe: Pi-Iota (SCP-C001-Φ-47)
Description of Foundation: An organization of an extremist sect of the Church of the Broken God, and is focused around the containment of all biological life. Additionally, it was noted that most life forms on Earth have been converted to a mechanical state.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: The group viewed SCP-C001-Y as a messenger of MEKHANE, their deity, and agreed to provide any assistance possible. SCP-C001-Y's size was increased by a large amount, and a large number of additional weapons were installed onto SCP-C001-Y. Additionally, the group gave the Prime Foundation a large number of CotBG artifacts.
White Market Payout For Collected Items: $1,000,000,200
Date: 1/1/1987
Universe: Epsilon-Iota (SCP-C001-Φ-51)
Description of Foundation: The Anomalous/Normalcy ratio appears to have completely swapped in this universe, i.e, the SCP Foundation is completely run by entities that would be considered anomalous in the base-line universe, and is dedicated to the containment of entities that are seen as "normal" to base-line.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: SCP-C001-Y, by order of O5-1, has been completely rebuilt. Please see SCP-C001-Y Iteration 4.0 for more information.
White Market Payout For Collected Items: $5,000,000,000
Date: 19/5/1987
Universe: Chi-Chi (SCP-C001-Φ-101)
Description of Foundation: N/A. The SCP Foundation within this universe appeared to have disbanded a long time ago. Instead, The Office of Multiversal Incidents, the supposed creators of the anomalous plastic knife, have stationed themselves on Earth. The Office has been recently threatening SCP-C001-Y with destroying Universe Alpha-Ask for the misuse of the knife.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: The following was recovered from The Office of Multiversal Incidents:
- 2 Dimensional Travel Engines
- 10 Scranton/Messer Dimension Access Supports
- 4 Dimensional Hop-Scotch Travel Apparatuses
- 150 Grandfather Guillotines
- 1 Retro-Causal Metaphysical Eradication Device
- Documentation regarding a Person of Interest called a "Lloyd Bomb"
White Market Payout For Collected Items: $20,000,000,000
Date: 5/9/1988
Universe: Gamma-Phi (SCP-C001-Φ-136)
Description of Foundation: Highly similar to the Prime Foundation, save for the appearance of a large amount of anomalous objects which the group uses to benefit themselves on their mission in various ways.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: Ability to produce crewmen en masse should a deficiency be noted. See attached audio log.
White Market Payout For Collected Items: $500,000,000,000
Note: The following was taken from a recording device that was attached to personnel of the attacked Site-42.
Site Director Sherman: Enact Procedure Dead-Man's-Weight immediately, this is not a drill, we are under attack.
(Sounds of many footsteps and the sound of the Jolly Roger originating from SCP-C001-Y are heard)
Site Director Sherman: Charles-
Head Researcher Charles: I am already preparing to enact Dead Man's Weight as we speak. The entity will arrive here in approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, which will give us plenty of time to activate this procedure.
Site Director Sherman: Good. Prepare the VOLT-Gun and the concentrated Scranton Reality Extractors be-
(Rumble is heard, presumably SCP-C001-Y is teleporting itself above the base.)
Head Researcher Charles: …Cancel that. Code red, entity above Site!
Site Director Sherman: Shit! Shoot that thing out of the sky, we can't let it get to-
(SCP-C001-Y's hooks are heard being deployed. Multiple alarms begin to blare.)
Site Director Sherman: Forget Preliminary Testing. Activate the Vacuum Hume Implosion Device.
Head Researcher Charles: But sir, if the mechanism isn't activated properly, the entire site could be crushed.
Site Director Sherman: Activate the mechanism anyways. Either way, we can't afford to let them take this site!
(The sound of large amounts of soil and rock being moved is heard.)
Site Director Sherman: Go!
Head Researcher Charles: Yes sir!
(Head Researcher Charles begins speaking into an intercom about activating the VHID, when communication lines are destroyed by SCP-C001-Y. SCP-C001-Y retracts its hooks, and begins to lift cargo away from Site-42, towards dimensional portal.)
(Silence for 10 seconds.)
Head Researcher Charles: …Sir, I-
Site Director Sherman: Did… Did they actually just steal SCP-2000?
The Ship, ITERATION 4.0
Approved by O5-1, Birth Name: Kolt Moor
---------------------- Description ----------------------
SCP-C001-Y (also known as The Ship) is a combat vehicle that has three two distinct modes:
1: Flight mode
1: Attack mode
2: Watercraft mode.
2: Inter-Dimensional mode.
Flight mode Attack mode takes the form of a modified Antonov An-22 military transport-vehicle, and currently the largest plane in the world. custom made craft, modeled after Fancy, the ship of Henry Every from 1694-1695, approximately 10,500 square meters in size. SCP-C001-Y is capable of generating lift via an anomalous artifact obtained from SCP-C001-Φ-51. Flight mode Attack mode is equipped with 50 M2 Browning machine guns 150 Foundation "Armageddon" type explosive launchers, that are capable of 3200-3500 rpm 100 shots per minute [enough power to completely destroy a tri-city area] and shoot special Foundation grade bullets, that are capable of destroying extremely strong materials, such as steel and concrete (see Document STY-ON-TRGT for more information). Flight mode Attack mode is also equipped with Grade-177 Type Napalm Grenade Launchers, capable of launching grenades full of napalm at distances as far as 1500 meters away. The craft has been covered with a thin layer of a Foundation-created material, known informally as graphene, which will increase the effectiveness of the ship's armor.
Multiple weapons of mass destruction have been added to Attack mode, such as the following:
- 200 openings at the bottom of the craft for deploying mortar shells.
- A Vacuum Hume Implosion Launcher, capable of outputting 50 terajoules of energy.
- 30 devices that act similarly to machine guns capable of firing 50,000 rpm.
- The Jolly Roger. (See Action Proposal: The Jolly Roger for more information.)
Flight mode Attack mode is also equipped with hooks, that are capable of holding and carrying supremely large amounts of weight. The largest amount of weight that it is confirmed to be able to carry is 225 thousand metric tons. 500 thousand metric tons.
Watercraft mode takes the form of a large freight, designed after the Sabrina I, an obscure merchant ship. Watercraft mode carries a large amounts of various types of weaponry that are theoretically capable of wiping out a shoreline, such as large explosives, machine guns [seen in Flight mode], matter-destabilizing particle beams, a memetic anomaly that takes the form of a black flag which intimidates non-inoculated primates, and an armory full of weapons in the event that Foundation personnel ever need to be dispatched and attack a given location, and/or retrieve an item of interest.
Watercraft mode has been completely removed. SCP-C001-Y is now capable of entering and maneuvering within large bodies of water. All of SCP-C001-Y weapons have been upgraded so that they now function at full capacity while completely submerged within water. Additionally, all weapons that were exclusively available in Watercraft mode have been transferred to Attack mode.
Inter-Dimensional mode takes the form of a modified space shuttle, specifically designed to travel in between universes, from within the individual pocket dimensions. Inter-Dimensional mode is approximately 17500 50,750 square meters in size. Inter-Dimensional mode is equipped with weapons from Flight mode and Watercraft mode Attack mode, only modified for a dimensional or an alternate-reality environment, in the event of enemy interference.
Both Inter-Dimensional mode and Attack mode are equipped with 20,000 Bright/Zartion Hominid Replicators, capable of generating non-anomalous humans when supplied with sufficient power. These devices are rigged to activate when 15% of SCP-C001-Y's crew members are killed within a short period of time. Please see Document GOLDEN-WIND for more information.
SCP-C001-Y is capable of transforming between the three two modes through use of an anomaly present within an artifact acquired by O5-1 by Carter Thompson. Transformation does not harm any passengers on board, does not damage the surrounding environment, and makes minimal amount of noise (35 dB). Access to this clockwork anomaly is only available to O5-1 and Johnny Messer. For more information regarding this, please contact O5-1.
Multiple changes have been made to SCP-C001-Y, based around anomalous objects that have been obtained before being sold. This is possible through an Anomalous Energy Field Manipulator (AEFM) capable of replicating an anomaly, and applying it to another, non-anomalous object.
---------------------- Note from O5-1 ----------------------
Another day, another dime. You are all doing great, my friends. We're close to securing this multiverse for The Foundation. The veil will not be broken. At least, not on my watch. Whether the universe likes it or not, we will serve as the bastion against the darkness, and we will shine in all corners of the universe.
That being said, I will be unavailable for the next month or so. The Ship will be under control of Johnny Messer, The Admiral, until I come back. Any concerns regarding AETHER-DRAIN should be directed to him.
Until next time.
Survey. Contain. Plunder.
The second iteration of the official communications log. Personnel of the Prime Foundation are encouraged to report any communication attempts to the Foundation and the outcome of the attempts in this log. This file is available to all personnel level 2 or higher. Classified information, as judged by the Site's Director, is subject to restrictions.
Communication Attempt: SCP-████
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: [REDACTED]
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: [REDACTED]
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: Universe Epsilon-Yud
(-) Close Communication Log
Note: O5-1 received a radio signal originating from Universe Epsilon-Yud directly to their Interdimensional Radio Speaker. The follow log was specifically ordered to be attached to this file by O5-1.
O5-1: Mundos collidi faceret. Nos operari simul ad metam. Non deesset nobis signum.
O5-C: That's cute and all, but we need to talk.
O5-1: Hmm?
O5-C: After a meeting with my O5 Council, we have decided that we will be pulling out of your "program." We will stop sending supplies, all Epsilon-Yud Foundation members will be leaving The Ship and Metaphysical Site-η, and we'll be cutting off negotiations.
O5-1: That seems a bit sudden, don't ya think?
O5-C: Don't feign ignorance. You're ransacking universes for your own personal gain.
O5-1: I told you, that wasn't me.
O5-C: I saw you in the dimensional craft while it was attacking a universe, Kolt.
O5-1: (O5-1 remains silent for 10 seconds) You have the opportunity to have literally everything you ever wanted… And you still turn it down?
O5-C: Are you even listening to me? (O5-C sighs) Yes, that is what I'm implying.
O5-C: Also, don't think we didn't hear about that month long "vacation" you had a few days ago. It's hard to believe that you didn't do anything when the Ethics Committee are yelling their asses off at you, you come over to their main base of operations, and suddenly they just… are silenced. I wonder what could have happened.
O5-1: What are you implying?
O5-C: I saw the board room. Their corpses are still fresh.
O5-1: Well, Bright, do whatever you want, I don't care. But if I ever see your sorry ass on our travels, I will not hesitate to destroy you and your Foundation on sight. Being a traitor is punishable by death in my crew.
O5-C: Better a traitor than a blood thirsty warmonger. You wanna stay on that ship? You'll stay there forever.
Note: After the event, O5-1 issued an emergency change in the Minerva Strategy, which now states that attacking SCP-C001-Φ instances takes priority over becoming allies with them. All Foundations, regardless of their intentions, are to be attacked.
Communication Attempt: GoI-2812
(+) Open Communication Log
Communication Attempt: SCP-████
(+) Open Communication Log
SCP-C001-Y Personal Audio Log, day 537. I have never felt more betrayed in my life. The people listening to this probably already know what happened, so I won't go into too many details. Bright sees that if he stuck around with me and actually was loyal, he would have gotten everything he ever wanted. He could have been a King, or God himself! I guess idiots come in all shapes and sizes…
Apologies, I'm just extremely upset at the moment. I made an emergency update to the Minerva Strategy. We're not accepting any more allies. The allies we have now are more than welcome to continue on our journey if they wish to. I don't know why they wouldn't want to.
Again, getting side tracked. We're in full Ship upgrading mode, at the moment. Our top priority is to make The Ship even more powerful than ever before. And it's just easier to attack them than to befriend them, to be honest. We'd secure the veil better than they could, really.
Besides that, I'm back from my break. The Admiral did a wonderful job keeping things together while I was gone, in my opinion. I really do feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, heh.
The Ship is set to sail tomorrow morning. I probably should get some sleep so that I can actually function during the mission.
Logging out.
The following is an abridged log of attacks carried out by SCP-C001-Y onto various SCP Foundations. Interactions are formatted similarly to the previous SCP-C001-Y attack logs. Alternate SCP Foundations have been designated as SCP-C001-Φ instances
Date: 19/9/1989
Universe: Upsilon-Zeta (SCP-C001-Φ-271)
Description of Foundation: The organization is very similar to the Prime Foundation when it comes to their philosophies, but their method of maintaining secrecy is drastically different. It appears that this Foundation heavily relies on thaumaturgy for the containment of their anomalies. Examples include Standard Hex Seals, kinetoglyphs, precise containment rituals, D-Class sacrifices to produce indestructible barriers, etc.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: Glyphs cover the entirety of SCP-C001-Y. These glyphs allow for a large amount of utility abilities, including:
- Being able to cloak the entirety of SCP-C001-Y, appearing completely invisible to people outside of the craft.
- Extreme resistance to heat.
- The creation of a Hume Protection Field, which protects SCP-C001-Y from reality bending enemies. This also equalizes the hume level within a nearby area.
- A glyph that, when SCP-C001-Y is almost completely destroyed, will explode, which is powerful enough to destroy roughly 6 Yg of any material. This becomes more powerful the longer it is activated. It is currently theorized that after 12.4 years, it will release a Eruanna-Class Genetic Weave Disrupter, causing all nearby lifeforms to gain a gelatinous consistency.
- A memetic anomaly that causes people that view it to gain a temporary form of Prosopagnosia, the inability to distinguish individual faces.
Main Foundation Advancements: The creation of the "Alpha-Class All-For-One Containment Chamber", which transforms itself to contain any anomaly that can be contained within it. 150 have already been created, and have contained several Keter and Anatta class anomalies within each chamber.
Date: 1/12/1989
Universe: Beta-Zeta (SCP-C001-Φ-301)
Description of Foundation: The organization contains 371 individuals that all resemble Dr. Alto Clef. Each individual has different personalities and genders, but all have the exact same appearance as Dr. Clef. It is currently unknown how this has occurred.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: SCP-C001-Y's ability of teleportation has been significantly increased, now being able to teleport 4,520 km at a time, instead of 100 km, and can be done once every 12 hours, down from once every 3 days. Additionally, 350 dollars was discovered in an extremely large vault at one of their main research centers.
Main Foundation Advancements: The transformation of Universe Alpha-Ask's Alto Clef into a biological defense system that spans every single Foundation site. The prime Clef is capable of total ontokinetic manipulation, and is situated within Site-01.
Date: 14/1/1990
Universe: Upsilon-Rho (SCP-C001-Φ-399)
Description of Foundation: The Foundation is dedicated to the containment of a specific religion, called the "The Court of His Greatness, The Ball" centered around the worship of a bowling ball. The organization describes the item of being sentient and having a very hostile nature, attempting to insult everyone nearby. The artifact is currently within the possession of an individual that refers to themselves in the third person as "The Great Morpher" for unknown reasons.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: SCP-C001-Y is now capable of segmenting into 4 smaller crafts, each filled with separate weaponry, living quarters, control rooms, etc, in the event that SCP-C001-Y is severely damaged.
Main Foundation Advancements: The creation of SCP-5765, an item capable of generating infinite amounts of energy.
Date: 14/1/1990
Universe: Upsilon-Rho (SCP-C001-Φ-411)
Description of Foundation: A Foundation that is set in orbit around the Sun after the Earth's destruction, capable of destroying planets via extremely advanced weaponry obtained from materials from the Sun. The preservation of normalcy for passengers of civilian ships around the Sun is still a high priority.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: SCP-C001-Y was extremely damaged during the attack, and most of the obtained items were used to repair it. However, left over materials and resources still remained after the repair.
Main Foundation Advancements: The creation of SCP-2237.
Date: 29/1/1990
Universe: Tau-Zeta (SCP-C001-Φ-4)
Description of Foundation: An organization entirely focused on the containment for anomalies related to primates. The Foundation uses primate anomalies to their advantage, such as for the generation of currency, the destruction of an unwanted anomaly, et cetera. With use of a species of Macaca Sinica, the group has recently began inter-dimensional relations with nearby SCP Foundations.
Attacked: (y/n)
Advancements to Ship: N/A.
Main Foundation Advancements: The Thaumiel Program was initiated, which allowed for the easier obtainment of materials via the Minerva Strategy, by capturing prisoners from attacked universes, and torturing them to obtain information about hidden anomalies that weren't found from the initial attack.
Note from O5-1: I have something to note. When we were interrogating one of the group's members, they said that O5-C arrived at their universe for a small time, asking for a large crate of orangutans carcassess. When they said why, Bright said "It would be useful for when I eventually run out of warm bodies."
Foreword: A large entity was discovered within Universe Rho-Omega (SCP-C001-Φ-572). By order of O5-1, it was captured by SCP-C001-Y, and was transported back to Universe Alpha-Ask. The following is the transcript of SCP-C001-Y's control room during the event.
SCP-C001-Y is seen hovering over a large crater, with the entity inside it, destroying a large tree that grew within the middle of the crater.
Crew Member 1: Entity of great size. Around the size of a tank. Looks like a rotting whale corpse from a distance, has reptile features. Deploying hooks.
Hooks are fired from SCP-C001-Y and hit the entity, which causes it to roar. More hooks are deployed, which hit the entity again. It is peppered with explosive rounds to suppress it while it is being carried.
The entity attempts to break the hooks, but to no avail. Its skin begins to harden, making the hooks begin to lose traction.
Crew Member 1: We're gonna drop the thing. Split The Ship into 4 sections, and hook it from all sides.
The Ship splits, and 3 sections immediately go to the entities' sides, and fire hooks from there. The entity roars even louder.
Entity: Let me go!
Crew Member 2: It's stabilized, but it's going to destroy one of the sections, killing hundreds.
Crew Member 1: I am aware. Drop the claw.
Crew Member 2: Right away.
Suddenly, a shaft begins to open from the section of SCP-C001-Y that is located right above the entity, and a extremely large steel object, resembling a spear, drops from the bottom, and hits the entity, going straight through. The entity roars even louder.
Entity: I… will…
The entity goes unconscious. SCP-C001-Y retracts all but one of the hooks, and reforms back into one. The entity is brought inside of SCP-C001-Y, and it enters a new dimension.
End Note: The entity transferred back to Universe Alpha-Ask, where it was contained and experimented on. It has since been designated as SCP-682.
The third iteration of the official communications log. Personnel of the Prime Foundation are encouraged to report any communication attempts to the Foundation and the outcome of the attempts in this log. This file is available to all personnel level 2 or higher. Classified information, as judged by the Site's Director, is subject to restrictions.
Communication Attempt: Radio Signal, The Mesh
(-) Close Communication Log
The following message was received within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6 on [DATE REDACTED]. It was revealed that this was morse code, and was translated here by order of O5-1.
Communication Attempt: Radio Signal, The Mesh
(-) Close Communication Log
The following message was received within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6 on [DATE REDACTED]. It was revealed that this was morse code, and was translated here by order of O5-1.
Communication Attempt: Radio Signal, The Mesh
(-) Close Communication Log
The following message was received within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6 on [DATE REDACTED]. It was revealed that this was morse code, and was translated here by order of O5-1.
Communication Attempt: Radio Signal, The Mesh
(-) Close Communication Log
The following message was received within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6 on [DATE REDACTED]. It was revealed that this was morse code, and was translated here by order of O5-1.
Communication Attempt: Radio Signal, The Mesh
(-) Close Communication Log
The following message was received within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6 on [DATE REDACTED]. It was revealed that this was morse code, and was translated here by order of O5-1.
Communication Attempt: Radio Signal, The Mesh
(-) Close Communication Log
The following message was received within sub-universal pocket dimension ∅-6 on [DATE REDACTED]. It was revealed that this was morse code, and was translated here by order of O5-1.
On 4/5/1994, SCP-C001-Y was attacked by another supremely large dimensional craft. Analysis of the incident reveals that the other craft was controlled by members from a large multitude of SCP-C001-Φ instances, all with the collective goal of destroying SCP-C001-Y. The following is a transcript of the event, compiled from all body cameras and security cameras.
Incident Type: Tradimento
Incident Class: Black
Outcome: See transcript.
A foghorn is heard in the distance. SCP-C001-Y's crew appears confused. Activities are halted, and the crew attempts to locate the source of the sound. In the distance, a large red light is observed. As the craft gets closer, a large craft begins to fire at SCP-C001-Y, causing minor damage to its hull.
O5-1 is alerted to this, and immediately begins to oversee the craft. Further analysis of the ship reveals that "The Midnight Jacket" is printed onto its side.
O5-1: About time…
O5-1 accesses the intercom system, and begins to speak to SCP-C001-Y's crew.
O5-1: We are being attacked by a Class-A Destructive Dimensional Craft. This is not a drill. Activate Emergency Operation ManDes at once. Man your stations, and prepare to attack.
O5-1 immediately enters SCP-C001-Y's control room. The Admiral, as well as 30 other individuals, are present, attempting to navigate SCP-C001-Y into an attacking position. O5-1 begins to speak to The Admiral.
O5-1: Locations of mission crucial personnel?
The Admiral: O5-8 and O5-12 are located within a designated safe room. O5-2 is currently ordering people in Wing-7B. The rest are in Metaphysical Site-η.O5-1: Good. Prepare for an all-out attack. One of us is not leaving The Mesh after this.
The Admiral: Right away.
O5-1 walks to the nearest window, and pulls out a pair of binoculars from his back pocket, peering into the craft.
O5-1: (Whispers) I'll show you who's the blood thirsty boar here.
One hour passes before SCP-C001-Y fires. During this time, the Midnight Jacket continuously fires small rounds at SCP-C001-Y, while circling it. O5-1 speaks into the intercom.
O5-1: On my mark, unload everything onto that craft. Everything that could be classified as a weapon. Oh, and get the Jolly Roger up and running. We're finishing this quicker than it started.
Twenty minutes pass. The Midnight Jacket continues to approach SCP-C001-Y, preparing a large scale attack.
O5-1: Now!
SCP-C001-Y attacks the Midnight Jacket in full force, destroying roughly 64% of the ship instantly. A partial amount of this damage is prevented due to a barrier that the Midnight Jacket conjured before being hit. Machine guns still continue to fire upon the Midnight Jacket.
O5-1: A perfect hit. Let's keep it up.
The Midnight Jacket launches a large spherical rock approximately half the size of SCP-C001-Y from an unknown location, which hits one end of the craft, causing SCP-C001-Y to spin out of control.
O5-1: Teleport The Ship above them.
The Admiral: But…
O5-1: Did I stutter?
The Admiral: …No, sir.
SCP-C001-Y teleports directly above The Midnight Jacket. A large turret appears to rise from within the craft, and begins firing at SCP-C001-Y. However, 1/4th of SCP-C001-Y is detached from the main body and crashes into the Midnight Jacket.
The Admiral: Um, sir, what are you doing?
O5-1: Just watch.
The detached portion of SCP-C001-Y contains 5000 Bright/Zartion Hominid Replicators, which were creating viable humans for the prior three hours, equipped with large amounts of weaponry from the armory. The doors opens, and 500,000 humans equipped with weaponry leave the detatched portion, attacking the Midnight Jacket's crew from within.
O5-1: This should do it.
Large amounts of mortars are dropped from the bottom of SCP-C001-Y, attacking The Midnight Jacket. Suddenly, seven small spherical objects are ejected from The Midnight Jacket, and impact SCP-C001-Y, dealing large amounts of damage.
The Admiral: Sir, I am getting word that the enemy craft is in the process of self destructing.
O5-1: Get as far away from the craft as fast as you can.
The Admiral: Yes sir.
Before SCP-C001-Y can exit the area, the Midnight Jacket self destructs, dealing immense damage to SCP-C001-Y, and killing approximately 20% of the crew. Emergency repairs are enacted almost immediately.
The Admiral: We did it. The enemy craft has been destroyed.
O5-1: Excellent. Get to the Metaphysical Site as soon as you can so that we can repair The Ship.
The Admiral: Right away.
Five hours after the event, repairs were in full effect. MTF Ko-91 ("Vitamin C Deficiency") was sent to scout out the attacked portions of SCP-C001-Y in search of survivors. After two hours without word of them, the following interaction took place:
An SCP-C001-Y crew member enters the control room.
Crew Member: O5-1, I have gotten word from Level 8 that those metallic spheres weren't just debris. They were escape pods. We've located 6 of the escapees, but one of them is still located within Level 11, which is currently in serious disrepair at the moment. It seems to have misfired, and was locked with an alt-O5 keycard.
The Admiral: We'll send a strike team down there to investigate it-
O5-1 opens a nearby locked safe, which contains a handgun, and takes it.
The Admiral: Wait, sir, what are you-
O5-1: I'll be back in just a moment.
O5-1 leaves the control room and heads straight for Level 11. Large thumps are heard from the level, as well as screams. After further analysis, these screams belonged to SCP-C001-Y crew members.
Upon entering Level 11, O5-1 begins to explore, noting that it's difficult to navigate the area due to its near destruction. After exploring for approximately ten minutes, O5-1 finds a very large orangutan, dragging a dead body behind it. The body is revealed to be O5-C's corpse, and O5-C's necklace is seen around the orangutan's neck via surveillance cameras.
O5-1: And you call me a savage. Pathetic.
Orangutan: Look at yourself, Kolt. Do you not see your greed? Do you not see how much of a sociopath you're being?
O5-1: I see it perfectly.
Orangutan: And?
O5-1: And it is glorious.
Orangutan: You're a madman.
O5-1: We've already established that.
Orangutan: I don't understand it. We were supposed to be the good guys. We were supposed to work together to save everyone, Kolt. We were supposed to contain the anomalous and work together to form a utopia!
O5-1: You lost your chance to work together with me a long while ago.
Orangutan: You're missing the point. You're delusional, using other Foundations for your own benefit. How long do you think your fellow O5 members will aid your "cause"? I've read DANGEROUS-WATERS. They'll defeat you.
O5-1: They can try.
O5-1 fires seven rounds into the orangutan's head with his handgun, killing it. O5-1 picks up the necklace using the end of his handgun.
O5-1: (Whispering) The orangutan was already dead before he put 963 on. Does that mean it can affect corpses? Interesting.
O5-1 begins to circumvent the damaged Level 11 and enters the elevator. He selects Level 5 and waits. Upon arrival, O5-1 navigates his way towards a large room labeled "BODY PIT", the location of a large hole, used for storing the corpses of deceased crewmen and attacked universes' personnel. O5-1 tosses SCP-963 into it, and exits the room.
SCP-C001-Y Personal Audio Log, day 1750. O5-1 speaking. It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Bright is no longer a problem, and now we can continue our business, becoming the rulers of the multiverse. I also heard rumors from my advisors that the rest of the O5 Council, led by O5-9, were planning on assassinating me, then turning The Ship around. As we all know, Mutiny at Sea is punishable by death. Assassins have already brought me back their heads.
I have also decided to keep Project AETHER-DRAIN a secret from the rest of the SCP Foundation, and only specialized people shall know any of this. Only people I personally trust are allowed in this operation, due to its importance. If a researcher asks where our near limitless resources come from, make up some bullshit reason about a door that leads to a time-less dimension or a Swiss bank or something.
With the boring stuff out of the way, a lot of exciting places to plunder are coming up on the horizon. I heard a few universes down they managed to summon the Broken God in its entirety. They call it "MEKHANE". The Scarlet King cult that we raided a few years ago apparently fled to another universe, and are also attempting to summon a deity. They'll make perfect additions to our arsenal.
It really is a perfect day to set sail, ain't it?